Recently, I was told that I should look at my glass as half full. I laughed because my glass is looked at completely full, in fact, overflowing. I find blessings in trials and have found my true strength. I have not had an easy life. My life has been full of trials and heartache but from this life i have the following:
I have five wonderful children. One who recently left home on a positive note, one who works his butt off to help us, a daughter who is funny and brights up our day, a son whose reality reminds us not to take life so serious and enjoy playing star wars whenever we can, and lastly, our son who helps me see life in a whole new way.
I am blessed with two jobs that let me work on my schedule so i can be with my children as much as possible. I am loved by a man who has made some major mistakes but teaches our children that mistakes are human. He serves and protects our country with all of his heart, even when he disagrees with what is taking place.
I am proud that he has chosen to take on a two-year endeavor of his Master's degree in order to help better our lives. Our life has been a struggle through many obstacles but when i think back to what i have been through, i would not change it.
My children have learned that materialistic things are nice but not needed. They have seen poverty and enjoy the small things. They have been taught what hard work is and embrace bettering themselves and not afraid to work for their goals. They know what it means to stand up for oneself. They have learned that negative people are not worth their time even if they call themselves family. They know what unconditional love looks like even if they make mistakes. They know how to laugh when life looks bleak, They know how to be knocked down to their knees and stand up because they are strong.
I did not teach my children these essential did. Life taught them the values that are important. So when this individual told me that i look at my glass half full...that would be a shame because half of my life would not have learned its lessons and my children wouldnt have a better future. My life is a full glass because I CHOSE to view it this way. I am sad that others dont but they dont have to, they are missing out on the true meaning of life.