Sunday, November 30, 2008

Pictures from Kuwait

Finally, David sent me pics. I am posting some of them so you can see how exciting life is there.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Caleb said "I can breath"

Caleb has a cold and due to his health issues when he has a cold he has to be suctioned. I havent done it becuase it requires me holding him down which is a difficult task. Tonight, he really needed to be suctioned so I held him down and of course he cried. After I gave him a hug and he turned to me and said "Mom, I can breath" Sometimes, it takes a child to remind us of the small precious things in life such as being able to breath.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Pow Wow

Yesterday I had a wonderful opportunity to watch my daughter become little Simeta (indian name). Her class held a pow wow and I was able to help with it. The afternoon was filled with learning indian songs, dances, games, and stories. These things are the things I hope she remembers and able to build memories for a lifetime.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Imaginative or decide.

I am trying to figure out if my children have a huge imagination or if they are actually deprived of toys. The other day Caleb came to me and said "mom a horse" Yes, the forks are the legs and tail. I think this horse has 7 or 8 legs. Then tonight I got home from SEP conference with Saibrynn and Chasten said, "Mom, rocket" So for Christmas I think I am going to buy the twins their own set of forks and spoons and Styrofoam, since they would rather play with that than their toys.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Colten and Veterans Day

Yesterday, Colten and I were driving down the road and there was a sign about Honoring our 'Vets'(yes you can probably already see where we are heading). I said,"I cant believe your dad is a vet" and Colten said,"he is". I told him "yes, he has gone to war". He looked over in puzzlement and said "you mean dad can operate on Sasha when he gets home". This through me for a loop and then I realized what he was talking about and started laughing. He finally realized his mistake and then started laughing. Its great when we can sit and laugh our heads off while driving down the road.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Hey honey it worked

My hubby emailed me a letter to read to the kids about their behaviors. They have been struggling to mind or not backtalk when told to do something. My house has been in an uproar and my frustrations were coming out. So my hubby took charge(its wonderful to know he can help across the world) and wrote my kids this great email. He brought stuff up in the email I wouldnt of even thought of so tonight for family home evening we read Dad's letter to the kids and after that they did their chores. There has been hardly no yelling and mom is in a good mood. Thanks, Honey appreciate your help.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Mixed Feelings..

This last week I have had many mixed feelings. These feelings are mostly about the holidays. I wish in a way I could just skip them and be to January already. On the other hand because David is gone i want to make the holidays special for them so maybe they wont miss dad so much. I think my feelings have caused a lot of distention in my house and the children can feel my anticipation. I dont know how to change these feelings. I am trying to stay positive and keep myself overly busy so I dont have to think about it but at night when the house is all quiet these feelings and thoughts come to my head. I hope we can work through the holidays and then have dad come home. I am so excited we are down to the final stretch ( maybe I should wait until after the holidays to say that). The one thing I do know is I love my kids and want to make this easy for them, I just dont know how to do it.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Another child with ADHD

Ever since Caleb's accident I have been noticing some behaviors (actually we have been noticing them for awhile but the accident was teh straw that broke the camel's back). I discussed my concerns with the peditrician and he also noticed some behaviors that were just not quite right. He asked me to take him to a therapist to do further testing. Today, we did get a diagnosis of ADHD. This is not my first rodeo with this and I feel that I am going to be able to handle the behaviors and hopefully change them to be more "normal". Our goal at this point, since he is only three is to teach him what is acceptable and what is not (not an easy task). This is our first goal. Then we were change things slowly adding more goals. Just thought the family would like to know.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

14 Years and counting

Fourteen years ago today, I promised my life to my husband. Reflecting back to that day if you asked would you be married in 14 years, I would honestly say I dont know but I hope so. I have always been in this marriage for the long haul. If someone would of asked if I would be a military wife I would say "Hell no". Times have changed and 4 and a half years ago, a different man pledged to serve his country, no matter what the cost was. A different woman stood there accepting but not really excited about this road of the military life. Now, in the present, another woman emerges. A person who could not be prouder of her husband. A wife who could not imagine a different life. Sacrafices have to be made and that sacrafice is a difficult one but knowing why I have to give up my husband's company on this day, makes it a little easier ( i did say little). I dont know what the future will hold. Many changes will happen and we will change and continue to evolve. The one thing I do know is I love my husband more now than I did when he took my hand and I swore before God and family to be his wife. I love the example he gives to our children. I love how I am stronger because of him and how he wont let me hide behind him (sometimes I wish he still would let me do that). I dont know how he feels about being apart on this special day, but I know that even though I dont like it, part of my heart is with him and part of his heart is with me and I could not be a prouder wife. So today, I vow to him again that I will not be in bed depressed thinking I wish he was here. But instead I will be holding my children and thinking of how proud we are as a family for the choices he has made. This song Far away is dedicated to him: This time, This place Misused, Mistakes Too long, Too late Who was I to make you wait Just one chance Just one breath Just in case there's just one left 'Cause you know, you know, you know That I love you I have loved you all along And I miss you Been far away for far too long I keep dreaming you'll be with me and you'll never go Stop breathing if I don't see you anymore On my knees, I'll ask Last chance for one last dance 'Cause with you, I'd withstand All of hell to hold your hand I'd give it all I'd give for us Give anything but I won't give up 'Cause you know, you know, you know That I love you I have loved you all along And I miss you Been far away for far too long I keep dreaming you'll be with me and you'll never go Stop breathing if I don't see you anymore So far away Been far away for far too long So far away Been far away for far too long But you know, you know, you know I wanted I wanted you to stay 'Cause I needed I need to hear you say That I love you I have loved you all along And I forgive you For being away for far too long So keep breathing 'Cause I'm not leaving you anymore Believe it Hold on to me and, never let me go Keep breathing 'Cause I'm not leaving you anymore Believe it Hold on to me and, never let me go Keep breathing Hold on to me and, never let me go Keep breathing Hold on to me and, never let me go

Monday, November 3, 2008

Good Day

Today was officially a good day. These are pretty rare (or I wish there were more). I finished my class and my last final. My kids were actually listening. Talked to Coltens school counselor and resolved some issues he was having. So now I feel stress-free.... But tomorrow is another day and I am looking forward to another great day.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Last night was the first time I actually got lost in a corn maze. We spent two hours in it. Coby and Caleb had the map and led the way. After two hours and tired legs, I took over and according to Coby, "Mom your a genius" We were out in less than 10 min. Those who went to the haunted side was a little jealous since they had to wait an hour for us to come out. It was fun but we also were sad because this is David's thing he does this with the kids. It reminded so much of what we miss. But we have to focus on "TOO PROUD TO BE SAD" motto. Things like this are bitter-sweet. We love you and miss you, LOVE.