Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Thanks for the reminder moment

About a month ago (its about time, I posted this), My good friend Jonnie posted something on her facebook status that gave me that Oh yeah moment. Here is what she posted, "In 20 years, you won't care if that book was finished today or put off until tomorrow, if that game was watched now or if it was recorded for later, or even if the lawn isn't mowed perfectly right this second. But I can promise that someone special will remember that one night that you turned off the TV / put away that book / put off mowing the lawn to spend a little extra time with them. Make memories. (Jonnie Melendez, 2009)." Let me explain a little here, Lately I have been upset and frustrated and started closing myself off to the world which included my children. I was not the mom I should be to my children. I prayed that I would know what to do with my trials. The next day, Jonnie posted that (Jonnie, you probably wouldn't guess you were the answers to my prayers, lol) which gave me that "that is what I need to do." Since then I have spent more time with my kids. Once a week, the kids have their "special day" which is when they get one-on-one time with dad in the morning and mom at night. Some of the acitivites we have done is make bread with the twins, finger puppets, painted finger nails (sis of course), taught Coby how to play backgammon, made cookies with saibrynn, Took colten to the store and bought cookie dough, and played chess (not me, i dont remember what moves where). I feel what we do isn't that important but the conversation that takes place while we are spending this time together. I hope we are building memories for my kids and when they get older will spend the same or more quality time with their own family. This also proves that sometimes as adults we need a good "kick in the butt" to remind us what is important in life. Thanks Jonnie!!!

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