Monday, October 13, 2008

Why my husband does what he does

A while back David wrote me an email. This email is what makes me proud to be a soldiers wife. He explains why he became a soldier. I thought I would share this with everyone to understand why he chose this way of life. "I do this for my kids, I do this so that they can know that I am willing to pay whatever price it takes to be sure that another "911" will not happen. So that they will learn the meaning of duty, honor, integrity, courage.... so they can go through life without feeling as though they need to join the military to protect their families. I want them to know that I love them enough to to give them freedom and not to hate others but to pass on the idea of freedom to those that don’t have the option. I want my kids to look at me and say "there is my Dad. He will do anything for me" This is my soldier's deepest thoughts and I feel it is important enough to share with others.


David said...

SO I leave for a year and the wife posts my letters in a blog.... sheesh.. just kidding... things are great out here.... lots of aircraft work to do so I have been really busy... that is a good thing cause it makes the time go by faster.... only a few more months and I'll be home. That will be wonderfull....

Anonymous said...

Wow.. that makes me proud just to even be able to comment on this. What a blessing you have in eachother! What an amazing letter. When I read it I just cried.
Thank you both for what you do. David for fighting for my freedoms and Alisa for staying stong for your family while he is gone.

Take care both of you,
Stacey Jones