Sunday, November 8, 2009


Things have been crazy. Halloween has come and gone and now we are looking forward to Thanksgiving. Chasten has had some issues we are trying to resolve and then we have the other family issues such as school, cleaning, and life's little chores.
Our life has been living one day at a time due to the military. We were going to go active and were told we would be moving by Oct. 1st to either Ft. Hood or Ft. Bliss, but God had other plans. Instead, the military told David he would leave on Nov. 10th for training and then me and then kids would be moving in Feb. Now, as of today, we are staying for another two years.
This yo-yo made me think about God's plan for us. Maybe when we first felt it would be best to go active, it was. But God said, thanks for listening but that was not my intention. Now think about your life and figure out your next step. So we have. David has decided to change schools and go up to Weber State and join the ROTC program. This is a two-year program for him and when he graduates, he will then be an officer and commission active duty then.
In the meantime, I have decided to help out and go back to work. So I am currently looking for employment. I am just taking this until I finish my Bachelor's program in June when I can get employment in the field of my choice. Then it looks like I am going straight into my Master's (scary).
The plan we have right now is scary because my children are getting older and by the time David commissions Colten will be close to graduating High School and begin his leg of his life. Its scary how fast time fly's and how important it is to cherish the moments we have because they go past so quickly.
Life is hard but I know God has a plan, we just have to really put away our wants and listen. Having faith in what he has in store of us is hard but will hopefully be worth every second.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Out of the mouths of Babes

The other day, I was on the phone with Tiffany and Chasten started having this conversation with me. I laughed and couldn't believe how much faith a young child really has. It went something like this.
Chasten: Mom, Jesus died?
Mom: Yes, Jesus Died
Chasten: When did Jesus die?
Mom: A long time ago chasten
Chasten: No, at church
Mom: Yes, chasten we talked about Jesus at church
Chasten: Not right
Mom: ok chasten what are you asking.
Chasten: When Jesus died with nails?
Mom: Yes, Chasten Jesus died with nails.
CHasten: No, wrong answer
Mom: Huh?
Chasten: Come here (walked me to the fridge, where we have a picture of Christ resurrected with angels). There mom.
Mom: Yes, Chasten Jesus is with the angels.
Chasten: He is alive?
Mom: Yes, Chasten, Jesus is alive.
Chasten: who made him alive?
Mom: God did
Chasten: Huh? who?
Mom: Heavenly Father
Chasten: Jesus a kid?
Mom: No, Jesus lives in Heaven, like grandpa.
Chasten: And Mojo
Mom: yes with Mojo.
And he walked off to bed. Out of the mouths of babes!!!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Life is a Roller Coaster so Hang on!!!!

Yesterday was one of the biggest up and down days I have had in a veryyyyyyyy longggggg time. I learned so many different things first, never put off what's important today for tomorrow (this does not include dishes and cleaning), and second, dont believe anything until it is in writing. We wanted to tell everyone differently about our news but things don't work out as planned. To keep things as simple as possible this is how the story goes. David come home from deployment. Something happened out at the deployment (dont want to go into much detail). Went back to work and did not find the same satisfaction as before. We prayed and discussed what we both thought and decided it was time to try and change to the Active Component of the Army. This is where I learned dont believe anything. He sent in the paperwork, guard released him, put it into active and we were told that he would remain in Aviation and we would move before Oct. 1st. So we called our landlord (actually a few weeks before he gave us an ultimatum) and told him we were moving. I have been packing up everything in the house we wont need to take with us and waiting for hear where we will be heading. Yesterday, David went down to MEPS and everything changed. Army does not have a position in aviation open for him in his rank, so they told him he can go artillery or cav-scout. He decided to go Cav-scout and will leave on Nov. 10th to go to training, leaving me and the kids here until he is done (our original plan until we were told we would be gone by Oct. 1st). We will then get our PCS orders and learn where we will be moving to. Yesterday, the only thought that went through my head was "we are going to be homeless". David called up my landlord and we can stay (even though he had someone lined up to rent the place) small miracles do happen. So everyone in Utah is stuck with me and kids until Feb. The good part is with trainings he can come home for Christmas. So instead of unpacking (haven't packed the clothes yet) we are just going to leave everything in boxes and live this way for the next few months. One more winter in Utah. So yesterday I went from moving, to homeless, to back to where we started living in our house. What an emotional day and week. Now it is time to focus on saying Goodbye to Gramps and relishing in his life and what an inspirational man he was. Close your eyes and hang is full of fun, being scared, and wondering what comes next but at the end it all levels out. (Sometimes its a little ride and sometimes its a big one). Just remember to have fun!!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

You will be missed Gramps

Today, I heard about my last living grandfathers passing. We knew this would occur soon but still hoping and praying that he would make it for a few more weeks.
My Grandpa was an inspirational man, even though I never got to really know him like I wish I could have. My grandpa was the type of man who loved his father in heaven and found the positive of every situation.
Most know of my parents divorce which made it sometimes difficult to stay in contact. I have been thinking about what I remember most about my grandpa and I would have to say, when he would come up from Vegas stay in a hotel just to visit with us. We would also go and visit him in Vegas and he always had this accent and smile which made you feel like you were somebody special to him.
Grandpa if you were here and I had one more chance to tell you how I feel I would say,
You are a truly special person. You have faced many trials in your life from bringing your family to the United States from England to the health issues these last few years. I looked at you and see how close you are to God and now, gramps, you are with our glorious maker. You are in no more pain only surronded by happiness that no one will be able to understand. We will greive for our loss while celebrating your life. You have brought so much joy to so many, especially the little ones bouncing on your knee. We love you and miss you already.
P.S. The kids still remember the gumballs you got for each of them. You always love to spoil the little ones.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Thanks for the reminder moment

About a month ago (its about time, I posted this), My good friend Jonnie posted something on her facebook status that gave me that Oh yeah moment. Here is what she posted, "In 20 years, you won't care if that book was finished today or put off until tomorrow, if that game was watched now or if it was recorded for later, or even if the lawn isn't mowed perfectly right this second. But I can promise that someone special will remember that one night that you turned off the TV / put away that book / put off mowing the lawn to spend a little extra time with them. Make memories. (Jonnie Melendez, 2009)." Let me explain a little here, Lately I have been upset and frustrated and started closing myself off to the world which included my children. I was not the mom I should be to my children. I prayed that I would know what to do with my trials. The next day, Jonnie posted that (Jonnie, you probably wouldn't guess you were the answers to my prayers, lol) which gave me that "that is what I need to do." Since then I have spent more time with my kids. Once a week, the kids have their "special day" which is when they get one-on-one time with dad in the morning and mom at night. Some of the acitivites we have done is make bread with the twins, finger puppets, painted finger nails (sis of course), taught Coby how to play backgammon, made cookies with saibrynn, Took colten to the store and bought cookie dough, and played chess (not me, i dont remember what moves where). I feel what we do isn't that important but the conversation that takes place while we are spending this time together. I hope we are building memories for my kids and when they get older will spend the same or more quality time with their own family. This also proves that sometimes as adults we need a good "kick in the butt" to remind us what is important in life. Thanks Jonnie!!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Been A Long Time

Wow, its been a long time since I blogged. Since David has been home we have had our trials but I feel there is hope which is something I was having a hard time with lately. Yesterday, We had some of our questions answered. Even though we will not have a definitive diagnosis for about a month, the specialist does believe we are on the right track. About a year ago, Caleb started having some issues. At first, I wasn't sure if he was really having issues or if was copying certain behaviors from our best friends son who has Autism. Overtime, I was telling David about the behaviors but he was unsure since he was across the world. After David got home, he also began noticing these odd behaviors so we talked to his early intervention teacher. She said she did not think he had Autism but he did show these behaviors at school. She suggested that he may have Sensory Integrated Disorder. We then began to look further. To make a long story short, He behaviors have gotten worse and yesterday we went and saw a therapist who specializes in young children and Sensory and fine motor disorders (this was a struggle, finding someone to help because of his age). She does think he has a sensory disorder but it will take a month to get a diagnosis due to having to do observations. She has told us that David and I have headed down the right direction with attempts we have made to help him, which was good news. She also is helping with some other techniques that will have to be used in order to help caleb. This disorder has been interesting to learn about. Most of the time, it is seen with children who have autism but can affect other children with neurological disorders. As hard as this disorder is, I know we will be able to help him, we just didn't know the steps or how to help him (which was extremely heartbreaking and difficult to deal with). We are looking forward to a more positive outlook but we also know it is going to take tons and tons of work, but we are up to the challenge as long as it helps caleb. For more information on SID or SPD check out

Monday, April 20, 2009

Proud of my soldier

Last weekend, my family was involved of our 60 day Yellow Ribbon Ceremony. Its amazing David has been home that long. This included a ceremony called the Freedom Salute. My husband was given the following items:
He received a medal, a coin (military members know the significance of the coin), A flag in a case, The certificate, lapels (one for him, one for the significant other) and the kids received a special future soldier case (seen in the back) which included games and military trading cards. It is a great feeling to see my husband be called and be shown appreciation for his sacrifices along with his fellow brothers and sisters in arms.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Saibrynn's Baptism Pics

I am kicking myself in the butt right now because we didnt get any group pictures that day. I did get pics of everyone eating, just wish I would of got ones of everyone together. Other than that, it was a wonderful day.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Today, we decided that every Sunday we are going as a family and hiking. We are going to find different trails to go on and this week we went up to Mount Ogden. The kids were wonderful. They played, found golf balls, and ran around and got nice and dirty. Even Colten had a great time and didn't complain about anything, suprising for a teenager. If anyone has any good trails let us know, there is a long summer waiting for us. See colten is still a kid, he loves swinging
Searching for golf balls and playing in the water.
Chasten loved playing and throwing the rocks
They could hear a squirrel but couldnt see it.
Of course, nobody could all look the same way.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Fun in the Sun

Awww gotta love the nice weather. The kids of course think its summer. Yesterday, we had fun outside finger painting.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Did we ask for our trials?

Sometimes I wonder before we were born if we sat with our Father in Heaven and discussed our trials we would come across in this life. Did we know that we could face each trial and grow? Did our discussions help us prepare so God would know what we could bear?
Lately, my personal trials seem so much. I can not go into detail about them because they are extremely personal but I wonder how at times I endure. I thought I wouldnt make through the deployment and here I am and a month has gone by since he's been home. Where did the time go? I know I am a strong person but I also question at times if I asked for this so I become the strong person.
I know one thing, when I think I cant go on I look around me and see the things are most imporant to me, my family. I watch as the little ones grow and learn and how much they make me laugh and I know its worth it even though at times it doesnt feel like it. The small things my children do to make me laugh is my confirmation that God is there and knows I need to laugh so he sent me these angels to help.
Its the small things we take for granted but these are the things that get me through each and every trial. They are the reason I wake up every morning and the reason I strive to be a better person.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Boys will be Boys

I have learned that boys never grow up instead they teach their children how to never grow up. I love watching my boys play and hearing them laugh.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Karaoke at the Roberts House

Since Facebook is giving me issues, I am uploading the video here in the blog. We have a blast at my house and this is just one example.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I attended a reunion workshop last week and they said many phyisical changes can take place over the deployment. A soldier may gain wieght or muscles (yes my we all know my husband has gained tons of muscle). The biggest physical change this year took me by suprise. Here are pics of who it is: He has changed from a child to a young man. I couldnt believe the difference when I was scrolling through pics yesterday. And its not just the hair color.....

Monday, January 26, 2009

Exciting News

David is really coming home. We just heard he will be home on the 7th of Feb. Dont have times yet but thats could be 2 in the morning..I dont care I just want my husband to be home. If you cant tell we are so excited. This year we have had good times and bad times but in the end we have made it. I wouldnt have been able to do it without the support of my kids who really has stepped up, My husband who takes so much of my guff even thousands of miles away, my family who has given me words of encouragment and praise, and my military family who have truly kept me going this year. Thank you and we love you all.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Getting closer

Time is flying. Before I know it, David will be in my arms. I cant believe how fast January is going by. I thought I would be able to do a review of our year but decided its already a new year. This years resolution is basic: Learn to be a whole family again. Sometimes this process is difficult but we will work through it. Already this year is packed full of events taking place. January: Twins birthday, Three military events (I guess they want to keep us busy)and me taking a month off of school, YES!!! (much needed) Sometime between Feb. 7th and 16th we will be picking up David from the airport. The weekend of Colten's b-day we will be in Park City with Military reunification workshops. March 28th Saibrynn's Baptism I know i haven't done much as far as blogging because of time restraints but hopefully I will find sometime to post pics after David comes home. I should have just a little more free time then, I hope.